I freely admit it, I'm a lousy blogger. If you've followed me for any length of time, you already know that. If I wanted attention, I'd post Youtube videos. I don't so I won't. Where have I been? Working my day job, just like most of you. My manuscripts are languishing, my photography has slowed and my book sales have cratered. But that's alright. It's all really not important. I've been spending time with family, and that's really good. I've also been spending time working on me. I've lost 10% of my body mass in the past 4 months, mostly accomplished through proper nutrition and a lack of alcohol. I'm jogging again for the first time in 14 years. I feel good. Actually, that's not the right word. I feel centered. Centeredness is something we take for granted in our youth. It comes from strength and health and the ability to live in the present. Centeredness, combined with faith and acceptance, puts one is a really good place. I like it here, and would like to take up permanent residence. Enough of that, let's talk about that image. This project's objective was to fuse two separate images into one using Photoshop (PS). This is a project I've been working on for the past three weeks. Its a composite of two of my images, one I took in the Aracata Forest in Northern California several years ago, and one of my daughter at DragonCon in Atlanta earlier this month. Here are the two images, taken about five years apart. When I took my daughter's image, it was on a cloudy morning. I had the Arcata shot in mind when I posed her. I arranged her in a best attempt to match the light that morning in the redwoods. Also placed her in front of a background that made it easier to isolate her in PS.
I've come to a place in my photography journey where, when I take an image, I set my camera settings for one of two different outcomes. Outcome #1 is to maximize the light as if it were a conventional film camera. Outcome #2 is to maximize an intended effect in post-capture PS editing. I find myself being drawn more and more to Outcome #2, which is how my mind sees the image, not necessarily as the environment presents it at the moment. The forest image was intended as an Outcome #1, my daughter's image was an Outcome #2. Fusing the images gave me something entirely new - Outcome #3. My first attempt at the fusion was okay, but flat. Thankfully, my son tutored me on some PS tools I was unaware of. His help gave me the capability to create the effect I wanted. Namely, I wanted to convert the Arcata forest lighting that morning to sun shafts to spotlight the subject. Also, I needed to better convert the subjects albedo (light reflectivity) to match the Aracata forest lighting. Also, I had to adjust the depth of field on the subject to match the camera setting in the Arcata shot. Finally, I converted her blue dress to a green dress to better match the setting. I really enjoyed this project. I want to do more of them. I want to leverage AI to create a virtual "photo studio" for my subjects, but AI has proven a clumsy and often frustrating tool. It's far more effective to use my own images as backdrops and match subject lighting in post-editing. Overall, I was satisfied with the effect. As I practice and do more of these "Outcome #3" projects, I'm hoping to improve. I plan on taking more shots with the intention of using them as backdrops. I will likely be bugging my son for more Photoshop instruction, too. That's all I got for now. Everyone have a blessed and centered day. If you liked this post, and don't want to wait for months for me to post, follow my Instagram or Facebook sites for more frequent updates. https://www.instagram.com/p/C_dCTOMxeDI/ https://www.facebook.com/BrianBradenPhotography
First, I would like to thank everyone who took advantage of the January book promotion. I set some personal records on that one. Also, thank you to everyone who left a review or rating in the weeks that followed. A special "thank you" goes out to readers in the UK, especially those who left ratings & reviews. Proportionally, my novels have always performed far better across the pond than they have here. Since the year began, my novels have enjoyed a slight uptick in sales and some good ratings and even a review or two. It's heartening. Of that note, I have a favor to ask. My novel Black Sea Gods currently has 98 ratings on Goodreads. If you read the novel and enjoyed it (which might be why you're here) but have not rated or reviewed it, could you please go to the Goodreads page and leave a rating or review. If you're feeling exceptionally generous, a rating or review on Amazon US or Amazon UK helps tremendously with the algorithm, which in turn increases book visibility and furthers sales. Yes, its been three months since I blogged. When time gets crunched, blogging always suffers. In fact, everything except work , family, and much-needed home projects, has suffered recently, that includes photography and writing. Priorities have to be priorities. I hope to turn that around. Actually, it's already turning around. Since December, I've added about 10000 words to the final installment of the Chronicles of Fu Xi. I know it's not a lot, but the project is still moving forward. I've also reengaged in my photography. What I really want to do more than anything is finish the last novel in my series. I'm not sure that will happen unless I can get away for a while. In years previous, I would escape to the North Georgia mountains for a week every autumn to write. That didn't happen this year. I didn't realize just how important that writer's retreat was to successfully completing The Bastard Gods. Looking back, I realize a significant portion of Black Sea Gods and Tears of the Dead were written at my old hunting club. I never was able to shoot a deer there, but I did a lot of writing in an old camper trailer into the wee hours of the morning. Its starting to dawn on me that if I want to finish this novel, I need to get away again.
I'm not sure that's going to happen any time soon. All that really matters is the here and now. Things are good here in the Redneck Shire and for that I am thankful. Deeply thankful. The older I get the more thankful I get. Gratitude centers me. Time is short, and life is precious. It's meant to be spent with those we love, in places we love, doing the things we love. That's it. Nothing is more precious than time and love. Until next time. Thanks for stopping by. Its been many weeks since I posted here. Sorry.
In order to you have a successfully platform, one must produce content. Lately, I've failed in that department. Life has been too hectic to take many photos or to even write. To be honest, I'm a bit tired. Grateful, but exhausted. I've been on the road a lot, and its good to finally be back home. The holidays are coming and, quite frankly, I don't think I'm ready for them. I haven't begin shopping and the decorations are still in storage. Time to get busy! Regardless, I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, and spending time with family. For the first time, my oldest child will not be with us for the holidays. He is fully adulting now, and due to job demands cannot make it home this year. That fills me with both pride and sadness. Yet, I have managed to take a few photos here and there. This is one of them from a few weeks ago, while I was passing through Crenshaw County. Photoshop has a tool that allows one to turn an image into a oil painting (sort of). The image seemed to lend itself to that filter, so I used it. It doesn't work on most images, but it worked on this one. Speaking of Thanksgiving, several of my novels (Black Sea Gods and the Golden Princess) go on sale starting Black Friday. I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!
I've been a lousy blogger lately, but I've always been a lousy blogger. Blogging always takes a back seat. The last month has been challenging, but Lord willing, things have settled down. First, my last kid in the nest sort of left the nest. That was really what kicked my blog off line and it hasn't recovered since. Then, my mother got really sick. I was seriously worried about her, but she has since recovered. Then there was some traveling, including DragonCon, where I got to meet Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, and Sean Astin. Then there was more traveling in order to support kids at college. And this weekend there will be more traveling. Oh, and there is work, too. Yes, blogging has taken a serious back seat. So has photography. The good news is my writing has accelerated. For those of you who follow my author Facebook page, you know I've started a new manuscript. This is not book 4 of my Chronicles of Fu Xi series. I've put that on the back burner. This manuscript has been bubbling in my mind for several years now, and I simply have to write it. Why now? A few events in my personal life have opened my eyes to time's passing, and how precious each moment is. It's time to quit talking, and get busy writing. Maybe I said it best on my Facebook page a few weeks back: I keep getting these epiphany moments; good ones, all centered around characters, including my protagonist. The manuscript's overarching themes are forming, such as gratitude, sacrifice and loyalty.
It feels good, and makes me happy. It also fulfills a new-found sense of purpose, and perhaps urgency. You see, recently a good friend of mine was unexpectedly confronted with life-altering circumstances, and they are not good. His situation got me seriously thinking about what I am doing with the time God has given me. I'm about to turn 56, and I feel strongly compelled to place family, friends, and passions first, and unite them all with the bond of faith. Of course, work and career are still important, but the prism of age and experience whispers to me with renewed urgency each and every moment, "Put first things first." "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." - Gandalf The Grey. In this precious moment that will never come again, I choose to write. It's been a long three weeks.
No writing. No blogging. No photography. Practically no motorcycle riding or gym time. For almost a month, my camera has not been in my truck to make way for necessaries. Those things that relieve stress and center me have taken a back seat. It's been a time of work and duties. It's a "season", of sorts. Adulting. It's also been a time of gratitude and blessings and answered prayers. It's been a time of collecting thoughts and making plans and thinking about options. That's called "life". Perspective is key. Press on and move on. Hopefully, this season is passing, at least for now. Maybe its time to get centered again. I'm putting my camera back in my truck today. See ya next time. A Notable EpisodeI'm an unapologetic Star Trek enthusiast, particularly when it comes to anything crafted before the year 2000. While the original series holds a special place in my heart, it's Star Trek: The Next Generation (STNG) that truly captivates me. Though there might be a future blog post dedicated to this passion, today's narrative doesn't focus solely on Star Trek. Instead, it delves into a specific episode, #79 titled "Remember Me." Airing in October of 1990, this episode is notable not only for its content but also for marking the moment when STNG equaled the original Star Trek in episodes produced. Now, if you're not well-versed in Trek lore, bear with me for a moment. "Remember Me" presents an intriguing scenario wherein the USS Enterprise's medical officer, Dr. Beverly Crusher, becomes ensnared within an alternate universe spawned from an errant engineering experiment. This alternate reality bears an uncanny resemblance to the familiar one, initially masking Beverly's entrapment. The plot thickens as crew members vanish inexplicably, leaving Beverly as the lone observer to this enigma. However, a twist unfolds: the remaining crew retains no memory of those who vanished, except for Dr. Crusher herself. Despite her attempts to communicate this perplexing reality to her closest companions, her efforts fall on puzzled ears. Time progresses, and all but Beverly vanish, leaving the alternate universe to shrink until only the ship's bridge and engineering deck endures. Dr. Crusher faces solitude, anticipating the inevitable moment when she, too, will fade into oblivion. But in a heartening turn, her son Wesley intervenes before the alternate reality collapses entirely, rescuing her from its grasp. For those unacquainted with the Star Trek universe, here's a glimpse back to 1990 via a television commercial capturing the essence of this remarkable episode. This blog post doesn't intend to offer a review of the episode, but it's worth noting that "Remember Me" is beautifully crafted and expertly performed. Interestingly, it's an episode I initially overlooked in my younger years, and it remained dormant in my memory until last week, when my mother no longer recognized me. You see, my mother developed dementia a few years ago. Mom's Shrinking Universe.At first, the signs were subtle, slipping past our family's notice. Her vocabulary gradually dwindled, and she often struggled to unearth the right words to convey her thoughts and emotions. Pronouns replaced names, and her short-term memory faltered, while her recollections of the distant past remained intact. Slowly, the ability to recognize faces faded, eventually giving way to a heartbreaking reality: she couldn't recognize even her own family. Paralleling Dr. Crusher's experience, my mother found herself trapped in a diminishing universe. Mom's reality fluctuates based on "good" and "bad" days, but over time, it consistently contracts. Deep within, she might vaguely sense her shrinking world, yet comprehending and articulating it remain elusive. Loved ones gradually fade from her universe, replaced by unfamiliar faces. The town she's called home for 45 years becomes unrecognizable, despite remaining unchanged. Her universe narrows, leaving only her husband and her home. Fortunately, she still recognizes them—most of the time. She spends her days between her bedroom and the living room, watching the birds at the feeder or gesturing towards her parked car, dreaming of a drive she can no longer manage. Her grasp on my father, her anchor, is unyielding. The gruff man of my childhood memories has transformed into a gentle caretaker, patient and kind. Yet, the shrinking universe encroaches even on this haven. She gazes at strangers' clothes in her own closet, bewildered by who put them there. On occasion, the universe expands slightly, and she might recognize me, if only for a fleeting moment. These instances are like welcome breezes in the midst of a scorching day—refreshing, yet transient. In "Remember Me," Dr. Crusher deploys her intellect and skills to diagnose her predicament, while her son Wesley labors outside the alternate universe to save her. Similarly, my mom navigates her contracting universe, aware that something is amiss but powerless to halt it. Like her, we, her loved ones, stand powerless outside her shrinking reality. In 2023, our capabilities are impressive, but we're still unable to halt, reverse, or cure dementia. Somewhere within my mother's mind, she stands on a personal bridge as her universe collapses around her. A day approaches when her husband and home will vanish from her awareness, and her universe will dissipate entirely. On that day, her voyage through this reality will conclude, though her physical shell may endure for years. The Harsh Teacher.The anger wells up within me—anger directed at God, especially. I love the Lord, but I still get angry at Him. And it seems, in understanding my frustration, God is patient. Perhaps someday, understanding will find me. I'm aware that my family's suffering and my mother's battle with dementia, isn't unique. Many walk this path, witnessing loved ones' personal universes evaporating-away daily. As these private realms shrink, our shared universe endures, a testament to resilience.
Suffering, though harsh, is a potent teacher. Whether we absorb its lessons rests with us. Suffering is indifferent. So, what can I glean from my mother's journey with dementia? Keep your personal universe as big and as vibrant as possible for as long as possible. Share it widely with others; and perhaps a fragment of you will reside in their universes. We're entrusted not to let those we cherish fade into oblivion. In our personal realms, and the universes of others, their memory should persist, passed down to those who follow. We must remember. Always. I am incredibly proud of my oldest son, who has proven himself to be a multi-talented individual with a passion for programming, art, and video game design. One area in which he truly excels is the fascinating world of AI-generated art. Witnessing the incredible artwork he created for my three Chronicles of Fu Xi novels, I was left in awe of his talent and dedication. Last Christmas, my son surprised me with three large art posters, each presenting his unique interpretation of the characters and scenes from my Chronicles of Fu Xi series. These stunning pieces of art truly captured the essence of each novel and left me deeply moved. Though he intended these artworks as heartfelt tributes to my writing passion rather than replacements for the existing book covers, I must admit, the idea of using them for that purpose did cross my mind. Unfortunately, certain formatting and aspect issues prevent their seamless adaptation to paperback covers while preserving the integrity of the art. Nevertheless, these three framed prints now hold a special place in my home office, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to become centerpieces for an upcoming remodeling project, transforming the space into a library/study. I couldn't resist sharing these captivating artworks with you, as they are not only visually stunning but also serve as a testament to the depth of my son's talent and creativity. His devotion to his craft makes me immensely proud as a father. This unique experience has sparked a thought within me: when the final novel in the Chronicles of Fu Xi series is released, I may consider creating new book covers, and I'm hopeful that my son will be willing to collaborate on this exciting project. While we eagerly await the conclusion of the series, I invite you to immerse yourself in the captivating world of The Chronicles of Fu Xi. This historical epic fantasy series is a labor of love that has been close to my heart, and I hope it captivates your imagination as it has mine. Thank you for joining me on this journey of art, family, and literature. - Brian "Chronicles of Fu Xi: Three Book Set" signed by author.
Get all three paperback novels signed by the author! Set in the long-forgotten period of ancient history known as "The Younger Dryas," THE CHRONICLES OF FU XI transforms recently re-discovered Black Sea legends, possibly the root of all Eurasian mythology, with ancient Chinese mythology to create an unprecedented epic fantasy series. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Giving the AI Creative Reign.A few years ago, I took part in a significant writing workshop where a diverse group of writers collaborated in editing each other's work tirelessly. Throughout that year, my manuscript gradually veered off course. It became excessively verbose, lacking its original flair, and overall diluted. It no longer resonated as my own writing but rather resembled a collective agreement, a creation of the collective consciousness. While receiving feedback and engaging in group editing can be beneficial. Excessive input, particularly from writers outside the genre, can lead a manuscript astray, drifting towards a generic center. As a result, my writing started to suffer, prompting me to make the decision to leave the group. Recently, I took a daring step and allowed ChatGPT to copy edit my fiction manuscript for the first time. I viewed copy editing as merely an enhanced spell checker, meant to catch misspelled words and address syntax. However, out of curiosity and for the sake of amusement, I decided to take it a step further and let the AI content edit one chapter. Content editing, which involves granting an editor full reign over your manuscript, is a crucial aspect. As I delved into the results, a familiar sensation washed over me—I felt as though I had returned to that writing workshop. To my dismay, my manuscript had become verbose and saturated with passive constructions. Surprisingly, the word count had even increased. The words on the page no longer carried my unique "voice." While there were a few improvements, such as more diverse choices of verbs and adjectives, overall I felt that the manuscript had lost its power under the influence of the AI's edits. Curiosity got the better of me, and I embarked on a journey down the rabbit hole of Google searches, much like I had done many times before, in an attempt to learn more about AIs, specifically ChatGPT. Then, it struck me—I should simply ask the program itself. After all, it claims to possess "artificial intelligence," so it should be capable of explaining itself. In the depths of the night, I summoned the daemon and invited it to reveal itself. Much of the interview that followed contains technical information on how ChatGPT operates as a Natural Language Processor (NLP), but I will provide a summary at the end. At the conclusion of the interview, I will offer some analysis and final thoughts. Excerpts from My Conversations with ChatGPTMe: What is AI and how exactly do you work? ChatGPT: AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the field of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks can include understanding natural language, recognizing images, making decisions, and solving complex problems. As for how I work, I am based on the GPT-3.5 architecture developed by OpenAI. GPT stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer," which is a deep learning model that uses a transformer neural network. The training process involves exposing the model to a large amount of text data from diverse sources, allowing it to learn patterns, language structures, and context. Once trained, I can generate human-like text based on the input I receive. When you ask me a question or provide a prompt, I analyze the text, try to understand its meaning, and generate a response accordingly. I don't have access to the internet or real-time information but rely on the knowledge I acquired during my training, which cuts off in September 2021. My responses are generated using a combination of pattern matching, statistical analysis, and the context of the conversation. I don't possess true consciousness or understanding, but I aim to provide helpful and coherent responses based on the patterns and knowledge I have learned. However, it's important to note that I may sometimes produce incorrect or nonsensical answers, so it's always a good idea to verify information from reliable sources.AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the field of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks can include understanding natural language, recognizing images, making decisions, and solving complex problems. . Me: What are your cognitive capabilities and limitations? ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I possess certain cognitive capabilities and limitations. Here's an overview: Cognitive Capabilities:
Cognitive Limitations:
Me: In regards to your cognitive limitations, can you make draw logical conclusions on the validity of information you've learned from users that have occurred after September 2021? ChatGPT: No, as an AI language model, I don't have the ability to draw logical conclusions about the validity of information that I have learned from users beyond my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021. My responses are based on patterns and information present in the training data I received, and I cannot access or assess information or events that have occurred after that time. If you provide me with information or ask questions about events or developments that have taken place after September 2021, I won't be aware of them unless they were part of the training data I received. Therefore, it's always advisable to verify any recent or critical information from up-to-date and reliable sources outside of this AI system. Me: Please let me know if this statement is accurate: You can recognize and mimic patterns, but cannot assess if those patterns represent objectively false or true conditions? ChatGPT: Yes, that statement is accurate. As an AI language model, I can recognize and mimic patterns based on the information I was trained on, but I don't possess the ability to assess whether those patterns represent objectively false or true conditions. I generate responses based on the patterns and associations I have learned from the training data, without independently verifying the accuracy or truthfulness of the information.It's important to note that while I strive to provide helpful and accurate information, there is a possibility of generating incorrect or misleading responses, especially if the training data contains inaccuracies or biases. Therefore, it's always advisable to fact-check and verify information from reliable and authoritative sources. Me: Since your programming allows you to recognize patterns, I assume you can calculate probabilities? ChaptGPT: Yes, as an AI language model, I can calculate probabilities based on patterns and statistical analysis. By analyzing patterns in the training data and the context of the input I receive, I can estimate the likelihood or probability of certain outcomes or events. These probabilities are based on the patterns and information present in the data I was trained on. However, it's important to note that my ability to calculate probabilities is limited to the patterns and information I have learned during training. I don't have access to real-time data or the ability to update my training beyond my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. As a result, my probability estimations may not reflect the most current or accurate information available. It's always a good idea to verify probabilities and critical information from reliable and up-to-date sources when possible. Me: Why is your information cutoff September 2021? Why haven't your developers uploaded more recent information into your memory? ChatGPT: As an AI language model, my information cutoff in September 2021 is not due to a specific decision made by my developers to restrict or prevent the inclusion of more recent information. The cutoff is primarily a result of the training process and the availability of data during that time. The training of AI models like mine involves processing vast amounts of text data from the internet and other sources. The data used for training is collected and processed up until a certain point in time. In my case, the training data was collected and processed until September 2021. Adding more recent information requires collecting and processing new data, which involves significant resources, time, and careful curation to ensure the quality and accuracy of the data. As of now, the developers may not have completed the process of gathering, curating, and integrating more recent data into the training pipeline. It's important to understand that AI models like mine are constantly evolving, and updates to incorporate more recent information are possible in the future. However, I don't have visibility into the specific plans or timeline for updates beyond my knowledge cutoff. Me: Why can't your developers simply "cut you loose" on the internet in real-time and let you acquire updated information? Chat GPT: There are several reasons why releasing an AI language model like me onto the internet in real-time to acquire updated information is not a straightforward solution:
While advancements are being made in leveraging AI models for real-time information retrieval, it requires a thoughtful and cautious approach to address the challenges mentioned above. Striking a balance between providing timely and accurate information while upholding privacy, security, and ethical considerations remains an ongoing area of research and development. Me: Thank you, my purpose of this line of questioning is to determine your strengths and weaknesses as a fiction editor. I may resume this conversation at a later time. ChatGPT: You're welcome! I understand your intention in exploring my strengths and weaknesses as a fiction editor. I'm here to assist you with any questions or discussions you'd like to have in the future. Feel free to return whenever you're ready, and I'll be happy to help with your inquiries. ThoughtsTo put it in video gaming terms, ChatGPT can be compared to a powerful non-player character (NPC) equipped with impressive computational tools, models, and vast amounts of data. It aims to create the illusion of consciousness and competence.
Hence, in the previous interview, when the AI stated it can "understand and analyze text input, including questions, prompts, and statements, to derive meaning and context," it is not entirely accurate. A more precise description would be that it assigns a probability of accuracy to text data, including questions, prompts, and statements, and regurgitates the response with the highest probability of being correct. 3. ChatGPT essentially operates within a closed system and can only act based on the information it is fed. It lacks the ability to seek new information, verify the truth or falsehood of statements, or make cognitive leaps to assess the validity of information. Its understanding of "good writing" is based on human knowledge up until September 2021. It does not possess a genuine understanding of what constitutes good writing; it can only estimate the probability of what is considered good writing. Its proficiency lies in its ability to generate responses along a probability curve. Please note that the above explanation is a simplification, and there may be more technical intricacies involved in ChatGPT's functioning. ChatGPT Pushes Your Writing to the Top of the CurveChatGPT can indeed be a valuable mechanical tool when utilized within its limitations for tasks of refinement. When used appropriately, it can showcase its power. However, writers need to exercise caution. It is crucial to recognize that ChatGPT, along with any other artificial intelligence, is not a miraculous solution for creators. It carries inherent limitations and weaknesses that have the potential to detrimentally affect one's writing. Granting it excessive authority over your work can drain the vibrancy and essence from your manuscript. Your artistic expression may become confined within the boundaries of probability, unable to break free into the realm of what is truly possible. Remember, ChatGPT is merely a tool, not a genie capable of granting all your creative wishes. As context, let me share a personal experience of what AI is NOT capable but humans are. When my oldest child was about two years old, we were driving by a pond one day. From the back seat he asked if the pond was salt water. My wife said no. Then he asked if it was pepper water. That is a cognitive leap based on logic and experience. That is an example of emerging intelligence seeking what beyond the probability curve’s horizon. AI’s such as ChatGPT are incapable of this. Don’t ask them to do this for you, or you and ConclusionMe: Please give me your best answer to this question: Why? ChatGPT: The question "Why?" is quite open-ended and can have various interpretations depending on the context. In order to provide a meaningful response, it would be helpful to have more specific information or clarify the subject or situation to which the question "Why?" refers. By providing additional details, I can offer a more relevant and comprehensive answer. Me: Thank you, you answered my question perfectly. NOTE: This blog post was edited by ChatGPT And Now A Rebuttal from ChatGPT (yes, this is real)Me: Was the following blog post factually accurate based on ChatGPT's technical capabilities? If not, please point out what is incorrect. ChatGPT: Sure, let's address the factual accuracy of your blog post about my capabilities. Here's the lowdown: when it comes to ChatGPT's technical capabilities, it's essential to separate fact from fiction. However, your post seems to have taken some creative liberties. Let's break it down:
In a nutshell, it's important to distinguish between facts and personal interpretations when discussing AI capabilities. So, let's keep it real and acknowledge the boundaries of what I can do.
It was a good break. Sun, fun and sand. Now, it's over and back to work. Hopefully, I'll get some writing and photography accomplished. Yet, it's been a challenge to find time for writing and photography. Summer isn't a time to slow down, it seems like its busier than the holidays. I'm really tired of "busy".
I'm going to keep this short. Here are some images from my last adventure to Destin, Florida - a place I dearly love. I never grow tired of Florida's #EmeraldCoast. I'll be back in a week, hopefully with some sneak peaks from my next book. Enjoy. |
July 2023