I turn 50 this week. Turning half-a-century old gets a man thinking. Today, I’ve thinking about setting priorities in my creative life, where I am with my writing projects, and some changes to this website.
Yes, I know I haven't posted in a while. Why? I've been WRITING! Its been three years since I published TEARS OF THE DEAD, and I'm driven to complete the third installment of my epic fantasy series. That, along with my career, family and (gulp) physical fitness goals, have kept me away from blogging. THE BASTARD GODS has passed 85,000 words and climbing. Its an incredibly difficult novel to write due to the sheer scope of characters, sub-plots and my need to avoid plot holes. Some readers have told me they have lost interest in the series due to the extended time between books. I am sorry about that, but its unavoidable. It is progressing, however, and I think it’s going to be a fantastic book. I’m proud of the writing that has gone into it. While my writing takes huge amounts of time, it doesn’t pay any bills. Therefore, like all my creative endeavors, it often has to take a backseat to life. I don’t write to make money, though that would be nice. I write because it fulfills a creative drive inside me that nothing else can. Creativity is a part of my mental health regime. Therefore, I have to make time for creativity. Unfortunately, often creativity gets in the way of creativity. I have to prioritize my projects. On that note, blogging has taken a back seat. I am not quitting blogging, but its got to come behind the novel for now. I am still going to try to continue my series on the Bible as part of my regular study, but the episodes will come slowly. I’m going to try to post lots of little installments like this, just to keep those interested in my art projects up to date. I’ve also revamped my webpage. I’ve turned it from a writer’s marketing page to a creative outlet and showcase – creativity for creativity’s sake. I like that. In this showcase you’ll find three sections – Writing, Blogging, and Photography. I want a place to display my work. I’ve also set up a Facebook page just for my amateur photography as well. One thing I have largely abandoned is book marketing. After 6 years in the indie publishing business, I have learned my books don’t really fit neatly in any major genre. They sort of blur the lines. I get great reviews, but people either love them or don’t know how to take them. That’s fine, but I neither have the time or resources to spend on advertising and marketing. It really doesn’t matter, because I’m going to write them anyway. I am driven to compete the sage of Aizarg and the Lo and move on to other writing projects. Marketing is also getting in the way of creativity. In fact, its downright distracting. I make a good living in my first chosen career, one I love and feel lucky to be a part of. So, trying to make a buck writing isn’t really necessary or worth the effort. Effort. Effort takes a lot more effort these days. I turn 50 this week. I feel great about that. However, its made me think about effort and priorities. Its also made me I’ve badly neglected physical fitness in the past 6 years. Sitting in front of a computer screen writing 5 books and helping run a literary website hasn’t helped. I’ve put on a lot of weight. A lot. As I approach 50, I have to put my body and health back on the front burner. So, I’m spending a lot of time at the gym and making better eating choices. Getting out and get moving has helped drive my photography hobby. On this revamped website, you’ll find my portfolio of pics I’m not ashamed of. I shoot mostly aviation subjects, but you’ll also find a smattering of other subjects as well. Turning 50 has also made me think about other choices. With my boys heading off to school, I suddenly realize how quickly life slips by. I’m going to spend more time with my family, especially my little girl. I want to make some memories while the making is easy. So, that’s long and short of it. THE BASTARD GODS is coming along, keep checking back for updates and samples. Thanks for stopping by, I’ll try to post more often.
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January 2025